Cyan %
Magenta %
Yellow %
Key(black) %
Hex #

Would you like to convert the RGB color to CMYK color ?

This is a free online color code converter, transform a color hue to another color model, supports three color models, RGB, CMYK and HEX, they can be converted to each other.

How to use this converter

  1. Input your color codes in any one color model area, CMYK, RGB or HEX
  2. To convert RGB to CMYK, input your RGB color codes to RGB area, for example, rgb(30, 100, 220)
  3. To convert RGB to HEX, input codes to RGB area
  4. To convert CMYK to RGB, input your CMYK color codes to CMYK area, for example, cmyk(100%, 0%, 33%, 40%)
  5. To convert CMYK to HEX, input codes to CMYK area
  6. To convert HEX to CMYK, input your HEX color codes to HEX area, for example, #3b5376
  7. To convert HEX to RGB, input codes to HEX area
  8. Our color code converter will show results interactively

How to convert RGB to CMYK

The max number of R, G, B values are 255, first of all, we divided them by 255 to become the number of 0~1, this ratio will be used in the calculation. The black key(K) color could be many result, when we assume a black key value, the other three colors(cyan, magenta, yellow) can be calculated. we can calculate it from the red, green and blue colors, the max number of black key should be :
K = 1 - max(Rc, Gc, Bc);
or we can assume we run out of the black ink, need use the remaining other three color inks to finish the printing job.
K = 0;
The cyan color(C) is calculated from the red and black colors:
C = (1 - Rc - K) ÷ (1 - K)
The magenta color (M) is calculated from the green and black colors:
M = (1 - Gr - K) ÷ (1 - K)
The yellow color(Y) is calculated from the blue and black colors:
Y = (1 - Bc - K) ÷ ( 1 - K)

How to convert CMYK to RGB

The Red, Green, Blue values are given in the range of 0..255, the red color(R) is calculated from the cyan(C) and black(K) colors, the green color(G) is calculated from the magenta(M) and black(K) colors, The blue color(B) is calculated from the yellow(Y) and black(K) colors. Below is the formula of CMYK to RGB convertion

More free online color tools

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  2. Search PMS color code : What is the color of code 361 C ?
  3. Logo color picker : Find the PMS color on an image
  4. Image color picker : Find the color on an image, support CMYK, RGB, HEX
  5. HTML/CSS color names : Color name list
  6. RGB to PMS colors : Convert RGB color code to PMS color code
  7. RGB to HSL : Convert RGB color code to HSL/HSV color code
  8. CMYK to PMS : Find PMS colors close to CMYK color
  9. RGB to CMYK : Convert RGB color to CMYK color

What do you think about this color converter ?


The CMYK color model is used in the printing process. To understand it, it is best to start with RGB color. The RGB color model (made up of red, green and blue) is used in your computer monitor, and is what you will view your projects in while still on screen. These colors, however, can only be viewed with natural or produced light, such as in the computer monitor, and not on a printed page. This is where CMYK comes in.

cmyk rgb difference

CMYK in Graphic Design

Graphic designers have to deal with the issue of seeing their work on screen in RGB, although their final printed piece will be in CMYK. Digital files should be converted to CMYK before sending to printers, unless otherwise specified. Because of this issue, it is important to use "swatches" when designing if exact color matching is important. Swatches provide a designer and client with a printed example of what a color will look like on paper. A selected swatch color can then be chosen in Photoshop (or a similar program) to insure the desired results. Even though the on-screen color won't exactly match the swatch, you know what your final color will look like. You can also get a "proof" from a printer, which is an example of your printed piece provided before the entire job is run.

Difference between RGB and CMYK

"We always get questions from clients in reference to web colors they view on screen and what they see in brochures and other print media." RGB and CMYK are the two most prominent and typical color spaces / formats / models used in the world of design. In print, web, or digital media, a basic understanding of what the differences are, means a fledgling designer can vastly improve the quality of a project. RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is the typical color space used by electronic displays, monitors, pda screens, etc. In RGB, images are created by combining red, green, and blue light. Process of addition can create millions of different colors by using varying concentrations of the primaries. So when designing a website, web banner, buttons, e-newsletter, etc., your images and files should be set to this profile. Chances are any image you receive will be RGB by default, but it's always a good practice to check. CMYK is the primary color model used by color printers. So for flyers, brochures, advertising, newsletters, direct mail pieces, etc., a CMYK profile may provide better quality results or a better expectation of what your results will be. CMYK creates different colors in a subtractive process using four colors or inks: cyan (blue), magenta (red), yellow, and black. Chances are your inkjet, bubblejet, or laser printer at home has a CMYK or CMYK variant setup. There are many RGB colors that CMYK printers cannot reproduce. Something that looks good on the monitor may not retain that quality in the printed piece.

RGB Colors

rgb colors
(what you see on screen)

CMYK Color Model

cmyk colors, ymck
(printed with ink)

Why Colours Look Different

RGB System - Screen Viewing Only!

RGB colour system is only suitable for screen reproduction such as LCD and CRT computer monitors and TV screens. This is not suitable color matching for printing or to colour match from, as each screen may represent colours differently. What may look fine on one screen, may be look completely different on another. This can be due to a number of reasons, whether it be due to individual screen settings such as brightness and contrast or even may be due to different monitor manufactures; i.e. Sony or LG. The red, green, and blue components are the amounts of red, green, and blue light that an RGB color contains and are measured in values ranging from 0 to 255. To see these values, open a drawing program on your computer and delve deep into the color settings. Also you can view some values on new models of CRT and Digital Monitors. The RGB color model is an additive color model. Additive color models use transmitted light to display color. Monitors use the RGB color model. When you add red light, blue light, and green light together, so that the value of each component is 255, the color white displays. When the value of each component is 0, the result is pure black.

CMYK/Process - Digital printing

The CMYK, also known as Process colours are generally used in digital printing for signage. CMYK refers to the four colours used; Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black to generate a colour. It is these four colours which are mixed together to make up other colours, much the same principal to how paint is colour matched. One thing to note is that CMYK colours may not look identical to physical colours due to the restriction to the number of colours CMYK can reproduce and that Inks perform differently. For example, orange is very hard to reproduce, and can look very muddy in when printed digitally. We take care to register all images with our four color bars applied to all printing we do. In this manner, the production crew can quickly and visually check the print at different stages. If a final color is not accurately made, there is little we can do. It is a technology thing. The CMYK colour model defines colour using the following components: C Cyan Ink (this is a blue ink colour) M Magenta Ink (this is a pink ink colour) Y Yellow (yellow ink) K Black (Black ink, the character 'k' is used so as not to get confused with the 'b' in RGB. RGB was invented first we believe.) The cyan, magenta, yellow, and black components are the amounts of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black ink that a CMYK colour contains and are measured in percent from 0 to 100. The CMYK colour model is a subtractive colour model. Subtractive colour models use reflected light to display colour. Printed materials are produced using the CMYK colour model. When you combine cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, so that the value of each component is 100, the result is black. When the value of each component is 0, the result is pure white.

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Careful ! As Pantone colors depend on the type of matter to be printed, this is only an approximation to help to quicken your search of the right color, You should indeed confirm this results with real printed pantone guides. Our free color matching system is intended as a reference only, recommended color may not what you would like, printed colors on any products may not match the colors on the screen, use this at your own risk.